You are currently browsing the archives for October 2020.
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My Dear-Lover shopping

  • Posted on October 25, 2020 at 9:28 am

What are you doing in these hot summer days? Even though sometimes it is difficult to get on the computer, I said let me write my last shopping. I recently picked up a few pieces from Dear-Lover.

My first choice was the overalls, which I used afterwards and I liked quite a lot. I said, “Why didn’t I use overalls all this time? It started with the jumpsuit I bought from Dear Lover again last year. this love

It is a very beautiful overall with floral patterns on blue.

The legs are a little short, but the length I like. When it comes to single-piece comfort, we always think of a dress, but now it comes to me in overalls. It is very comfortable to use.

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One of the other clothes I bought is rubber on the upper body and arms. long waist part? a slightly moving top. But is this a top? it will be comfortable. Sand ?? thin I combined with summer comfort. The color is also so beautiful that it would be superb with jeans, white jeans or fabric or even jeans. I combined it with white jeans that day.

Did we come to my dress like a flower. My one-shoulder mini envelope skirt dress is so soft and comfortable that it is very comfortable. A complete birthday, back? ni? an? or it could be hen? na and wedding dress. Or in summer with flip flop slippers, you can go to a seaside dinner in the evening.

And let’s get to the last piece. A khaki green shirt with lace on shoulder and sleeve details. Again, this shirt is a very suitable piece for summer. ? Thin cloth ?? and the textures are delicious. Is it in the sand anyway ?? from my favorite fabrics.

Dear Lover I think wholesale reusable face masks, wholesale dresses, wholesale lingerie, Wholesale Women’s Clothing, Dear-Lover are very successful in these matters. one page. My cargo is to protect from corona? were in the masks. One of the most compatible masks with dresses with blue flowers? I liked it very much and I use it in diary. on the exit.

After all, it’s times when we need to protect ourselves first. We should not neglect our mask, I close my post with social message.

In general, I am satisfied with my shopping and use it very fondly, you can write all of them if you have any questions.

Racing and reviewing

  • Posted on October 18, 2020 at 7:10 am

Enjoy the little things. Yesterday I made it to my first run this year (race actually but counting my own results it is being a part is what matters). It was so emotional and so good. I loved it so much. It felt close to my first runs ever by the emotions. And it was also a new location to me. We ran near town of Volokolamsk next to a memorial for 28 heroes Panfilovcy. There is a story of WWII heroes, A squad waited for reinforcements and didn’t back off because Moscow, the capital, was right behind them. Only 28 men survived to see the help. They are highly praised here, even though we are not sure it is fully truth. I loved the memorial, it looks impressive but there is no pomposity you see so often about about Russian WWII monuments (even though they are not called WWII, in Russia it is called the Great Patriotic War).

For the run I wore a new suit I was provided by Dear-lover wonderful shop. The suit is made with snake print which I love (and I am Zodiac snake, by the way, and is often called a reptile by my friends and family). It is comfortable enough and goes true to size. It is actually a yoga suit and I recommend using it for yoga or add extra support for your chest area if you do something with more jumps. I ran during the sunny day and it was very hot outside but my uniform was breathing so it was not much of a problem to me. And it is also very inexpensive so I highly recommend it to you! they have a great set of various Wholesale Women’s Clothing so go and check it out!

I hope you liked the location and my new running uniform. By the way, if you want up upgrade your look even more I know what you might be forgetting: lingerie. Dear-lover has a great variety of Sexy Lingerie Wholesale so just click on it and enjoy

Dear Lover

  • Posted on October 11, 2020 at 9:41 am

Buongiorno a Tutte ? Oggi voglio parlare con voi di uno Shop online di vestiti. Spesso risulta difficile trovare fisicamente vestiti originali, particolari. Il sito Dearlover vende abiti all’ingrosso, i prezzi sono economici e la scelta dei vestiti è ampia come le colorazioni.

Io ho scelto da loro tre vestiti molto belli che adesso vi mostrerò giù ?

1? Vestito da giorno, fresco ed estivo, vecchio stile che non tramonta mai, io lo adoro, la colorazione Apricot è molto estiva e sulla mia carnagione ancora molto chiara questo vestito fa un effetto bambola di porcellana, il suo colore così chiaro va benissimo anche per le pelli più scure o abbronzante. La mia è una taglia S. Potete visionare ed acquistare questo vestito cliccando ? QUA

Ecco come si presenta davanti-  buy – QUA
Ecco il vestito lateralmente-
Ed ecco il retro, si allaccia al collo ma sta delicato, presenta una leggera e particolare scollatura-

2? Vestito elegante colorazione Blu effetto ottico raso. Io indosso sempre la taglia S. Semplice, sofisticato, comodo, fresco e coprente: oltre le gambe scoperte, questo vestito, presenta una piccola e delicata scollatura sul davanti. Potete visionarlo/ acquistarlo cliccando ? QUA

Ecco come si presenta il davanti, con una piccola scollatura sul petto. Buy ? QUA
Ed ecco come si presenta lateralmente.
Ecco il retro del vestito che non presenta scollature.

3? Per ultimo ho lasciato il più meraviglioso ???? un vestito elegante, sexy e sofisticato, per serate importanti. Ho preso la taglia S colorazione Apricot. Questo vestito brillante ha la sua trasparenza, infatti arriva con un pantaloncino da mettere sotto, presenta un importante scollatura sul retro ed una scollatura sul petto. Io lo adoro ?? potete visionarlo ed acquistarlo cliccando ? QUA

Ecco come si presenta davanti, è stupendo – Buy- QUA
Ecco il lato/retro vestito-
Ecco una foto di come si presenta sul lato-
Eccomi qua a mostrarvi il retro con la sua bellissima scollatura.

   Prima di salutarvi, vorrei portare la vostra attenzione anche su un altra categoria del sito, la Lingerie, anche qua potete trovare tanta scelta tra pigiami, intimo sexy per ogni gusto, per ogni colore e per ogni stile. Date un occhiata cliccando qui ? Lingerie

  Nota Importante: la nuova realtà ci porta a fare delle mascherine per il viso, una parte fondamentale del nostro Outfit e Dear Lover propone mascherine ???? per ogni colore, e per ogni stile: semplici o di molte fantasie. Potete visionarle o acquistarle cliccando ? QUA in basso vi mostro la mia ?

Eccola, bianca con la scritta ‘Diva’ rosa, realizzata in stoffa ????

????Per oggi è tutto, spero vi siano piaciuti i miei Outfit e di essere stata d’aiuto. Vi lascio giù la galleria con altre foto ???? ?