You are currently browsing all posts tagged with 'Dropship Dress'.
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|| Dropship Dresses white dress||

  • Posted on July 6, 2021 at 10:00 am
  Hey, Dear,
  Today I come to you with a post in the DropShip Dresses. The photos come from the beautiful beach in Espinho, actually Espinho and Miramar, where there is a beautiful chapel on the shore of the ocean. It happens that the whole is under water and apparently it looks divine.
   It bears the name Romaria do Senhor da Pedra and was erected in this place due to the appearance of a mysterious light on the coast at Miramar. Apparently the figure of Jesus emerged from the waters and sat on this rock.
   Interesting, right? It’s worth to see this place because it looks amazing at sunset.
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  • Posted on May 26, 2021 at 9:53 am

Welcome may! Although this week I publish on Wednesday, I do it in a different way, nothing less than … From Sanxenxo! We are enjoying some long-awaited and well-deserved days of rest in this wonderful area of Galicia and loading the batteries!

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Those of you who follow me on my social networks will already have found out about you, specifically through Instagram and Instagram Stories, and those of you who do not follow me, can find me here and so you can follow my adventures …

The photos that I show you today I love. Reflect the relaxation and happiness of being on vacation, as well as the dress I wear, according to my style and personality. It is from Dropship and as always, I leave you at the end of the post the direct link. A little kiss and happy worker’s day!

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Dropship Clothes haul

  • Posted on November 3, 2019 at 9:46 am

Ostatnio mia?am przyjemno?? wspó?pracowa? ze sklepem Dropship ClothesSklep w swoim asortymencie ma ubrania, g?ównie sukienki- Dropship Dresses. Znajdziemy tam zarówno opcje wieczorowe, jak i letnie. Ja postawi?am na letnie sukienki oraz szorty, ze wzgl?du na zbli?aj?cy si? sezon.

ENG: Recently I had the pleasure to cooperate with the Dropship Clothes store. In its assortment we can find clothes, mainly dresses. (evening and summer). I decided to order summer dresses and shorts because of the upcoming season.

Pierwsz? rzecz?, któr? wybra?am jest d?uga sukienka bez rami?czek. Sukienka ma pi?kny wzór w zielone li?cie oraz ró?owe kwiaty. Ubranie si?ga do po?owy ?ydek i z przodu jest nieco krótsza ni? z ty?u. Sukienka jest lekko ?ci?gana w tali, dzi?ki czemu sylwetka jest ?adnie podkre?lona.

ENG: The first thing which I chose is a long strapless dress. The dress has a beautiful pattern with green leaves and pink flowers. This item is asymmetric. The dress is tied in the waist, thanks to that the figure looks better.

Kolejnym ubraniem jest prosta sukienka, która jest w miejskim stylu. Jest to idealna opcja dla wygodnych, do takiej sukienki mo?emy za?o?y? trampki i wskoczy? na rower. Sukienka jest do?? d?uga, ma pi?kny b??kitny kolor i g??bokie kieszenie.
ENG: Next item is a simple dress, which is perfet to the city. It is a perfect option for you if you like comfortable clothes. The dress is long, has a beautiful blue color and deep pockets.
Ostatnia rzecz, na któr? si? zdecydowa?am s? jeansowe szorty z podwy?szonym stanem. Spodenki s? naprawd? ?wietne. S? idealnej d?ugo?ci, a wi?zanie dodaje im uroku.
ENG: The last thing I’ve decided to order are denim shorts. Shorts are really great. They have a perfect length. They are high-waist and have beautiful bow.
Jestem ogromnie zadowolona z zamówienia, wszystkie rzeczy okaza?y si? by? trafione. Ju? si? nie mog? doczeka?, a? przyjdzie lato i b?d? mog?a ubiera? je na co dzie?. Zapraszam Was na stron? sklepu, w zak?adce Big Sale znajdziecie aktualne promocje. Ceny ubra? s? bardzo atrakcyjne, a jako?? bardzo dobra.
ENG: I am very happy, all items are really great. I can not wait for the summer because I would like to wear them every day. Please visit this website, in the Big Sale tab you will find current sale. Prices are very attractive and the quality is very good.