You are currently browsing the archives for November 2019.
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Dropship Haul

  • Posted on November 24, 2019 at 9:52 am
Lojas online são um tema habitual aqui no blog! E hoje venho trazer-vos uma sugestão de mais uma loja online onde vocês podem fazer as vossas compras: a Dropship. Esta loja tem uma enorme variedade de roupa para mulher: tops, vestidos, lingerie, roupa de desporto, etc.

site da loja é bastante fácil de usar, está muito bem organizadoos preços são bastante acessíveiso envio é relativamente rápido, a minha encomenda, por exemplo, demorou cerca de 14 dias a chegar.
Relativamente à qualidade fiquei bastante impressionada. As peças têm todas ótima qualidadeo tecido é bomas costuras estão bem feitas e a roupa não tem qualquer cheiro como acontece por vezes. Considerando que as peças são realmente muito baratas, eu achei que esta compra não poderia ter sido mais acertada!

A primeira peça que escolhi foi um vestido já a pensar nos dias quentes de verão e nas idas à praia. Ele vinha com bastantes vincos, no entanto é perfeitamente normal visto que foi uma encomenda online e por muito que as peças estejam bem embaladas, como foi o caso, estas acabam sempre por chegar um pouco amarrotadas. No entanto, os vincos desapareceram totalmente após passar o vestido a ferro. O tecido é bastante leve e não é transparente, portanto posso afirmar que fiquei bastante contente com a minha escolha. Podem encontrar mais vestidos em Dropship Dresses.

Lê também: Haul Ebay: Vale a pena?

Assim, como podem ver, a minha experiência com a Dropship foi bastante positiva e não tenho qualquer ponto negativo a apontar a esta loja online! Vejam mais peças desta loja em Dropship Clothes e aproveitem a campanha Big Sale para fazerem as vossas compras a preços ainda mais baixos.
Já conheciam esta loja? Gostaram das peças?


  • Posted on November 17, 2019 at 9:58 am

Hello babes!
Today’s post is a collaboration with Dropship Dresses, a leading international manufacturer that sells online women’s clothes! They have an ongoing big sale where you can find amazing clothes and dresses at really affordable prices and which is really worth having a look at! (you can find the banner on the right hand side of my blog as well).

I ordered two bodysuits and a dress, and I have to admit that I am absolutely blown away by the quality of all the clothes, I was expecting good quality but to be honest they have exceeded my expectations! All the clothes fit like a glove, so I am really glad that I chose the right sizes!

The first item I ordered is this black ribbed knit button up tanked bodysuit. First thing i noticed is how good is the quality of it, plus it looks amazing as it fits very well to the body when you wear it. Also, the detail of the buttons is very cute and it adds an extra touch to it.
If you wear it with some high wasted jeans or troursers  it would look beautiful and this one would match any colour and look!

The second bodysuit I got is also black and it has the detail of a zipper. This one looks amazing when wearing it as it adapts perfectly to your bodyshape!???? For some reason i thought the material would be different, but it’s better than expected as it’s 100% cotton, so it’s very soft and comfortable! I really love this one, it helps you to embrace even more your body!

Last but not least, I have no words to describe how beautiful this hourglass shaped dress is! I am absolutely amazed by it. The materials, the quality, the shape,… everything is beautifully well done! The fact that it has hourglass shape creates a beautiful body figure plus the detail of the off shoulder and V neck gives a very elegant but fashionable style. It combines velvet with elastic materials which makes it very easy to pull out and it has a zipper in the back.
  I am really in love with this dress and the price of it is very affordable!


In conclusion: I am extremely happy with all the items I got from Dropship DressesThe quality and the style of the clothes is amazing plus the prices are super affordable! The shipping took less than 10 days so it’s not bad at all either!
I really recommend to check out their website and their clothes & dresses because you won’t be disappointed!

Hope you have an amazing day!
See you soon,


  • Posted on November 10, 2019 at 9:54 am
Hey everyone,
and welcome to another Dropship post!
Today I have to share my last item from my recent Dropship collaboration.
Previous blog post become very popular so I’m really happy because you like my new blog content.
Zdravo svima,
i dobrodošli nazad u još jedan Dropship post!
Danas ?u Vam predstaviti i moj poslednji komad iz nedavne Dropship saradnje.
Prethodni blog postovu su Vam se veoma dopali i veoma sam sre?na jer Vam se dopada novi sadržaj.

As spring comes I become obsessed with pink so that was reason I got this one.
This spring coat is so beautiful, lightweight, comfortable.
Also, I like how it looks on me, material, style…
Kada prole?e stigne ja postanem opsednuta svim što je roze boje,
 da to je razlog zbog ?ega sam ga odabrala.
Ovaj prole?ni kaputije veoma lep, lagan i udoban.
Tako?e, dopada mi se kako izgleda na meni, materijal, stil…
As you can see it so causal so you can wear it with sneakers as I do, or you can make it a bit elegant. When it comes to price point it is ridiculous, I swear.
This spring coat is so  affordable so I think everyone should afford  it, I will put direct link HERE.
Kao što možete videti ovaj model je u kežual stilu i može se nositi sa patikama kao što sam ja to u?inila. Kada je re? o ceni ona je zaista smešna, kunem se.
Ovaj prole?ni kaputi? je veoma jeftin i mislim da bi ve?ina mogla da ga priušti.
Direktan link proizvod nalazi?e se OVDE.
                                                 Also, now they have Big Sale so go check it, maybe you’ll find something 
                                                                           for you –Dropship Big Sale.
That was all!
I hope you enjoyed!
This website is honestly amazing, go check them!

Dropship Clothes haul

  • Posted on November 3, 2019 at 9:46 am

Ostatnio mia?am przyjemno?? wspó?pracowa? ze sklepem Dropship ClothesSklep w swoim asortymencie ma ubrania, g?ównie sukienki- Dropship Dresses. Znajdziemy tam zarówno opcje wieczorowe, jak i letnie. Ja postawi?am na letnie sukienki oraz szorty, ze wzgl?du na zbli?aj?cy si? sezon.

ENG: Recently I had the pleasure to cooperate with the Dropship Clothes store. In its assortment we can find clothes, mainly dresses. (evening and summer). I decided to order summer dresses and shorts because of the upcoming season.

Pierwsz? rzecz?, któr? wybra?am jest d?uga sukienka bez rami?czek. Sukienka ma pi?kny wzór w zielone li?cie oraz ró?owe kwiaty. Ubranie si?ga do po?owy ?ydek i z przodu jest nieco krótsza ni? z ty?u. Sukienka jest lekko ?ci?gana w tali, dzi?ki czemu sylwetka jest ?adnie podkre?lona.

ENG: The first thing which I chose is a long strapless dress. The dress has a beautiful pattern with green leaves and pink flowers. This item is asymmetric. The dress is tied in the waist, thanks to that the figure looks better.

Kolejnym ubraniem jest prosta sukienka, która jest w miejskim stylu. Jest to idealna opcja dla wygodnych, do takiej sukienki mo?emy za?o?y? trampki i wskoczy? na rower. Sukienka jest do?? d?uga, ma pi?kny b??kitny kolor i g??bokie kieszenie.
ENG: Next item is a simple dress, which is perfet to the city. It is a perfect option for you if you like comfortable clothes. The dress is long, has a beautiful blue color and deep pockets.
Ostatnia rzecz, na któr? si? zdecydowa?am s? jeansowe szorty z podwy?szonym stanem. Spodenki s? naprawd? ?wietne. S? idealnej d?ugo?ci, a wi?zanie dodaje im uroku.
ENG: The last thing I’ve decided to order are denim shorts. Shorts are really great. They have a perfect length. They are high-waist and have beautiful bow.
Jestem ogromnie zadowolona z zamówienia, wszystkie rzeczy okaza?y si? by? trafione. Ju? si? nie mog? doczeka?, a? przyjdzie lato i b?d? mog?a ubiera? je na co dzie?. Zapraszam Was na stron? sklepu, w zak?adce Big Sale znajdziecie aktualne promocje. Ceny ubra? s? bardzo atrakcyjne, a jako?? bardzo dobra.
ENG: I am very happy, all items are really great. I can not wait for the summer because I would like to wear them every day. Please visit this website, in the Big Sale tab you will find current sale. Prices are very attractive and the quality is very good.